June 29, 2008

Was that really Mary Darling commenting on our class?

Many of you wrote blog posts last week about Little Mosque on the Prairie, but only one, Wilson Ramirez's, generated a response from Mary Darling, the show's executive producer.


The Internet skeptic in me wants to know if that was really her, or just someone claiming to be her. Ms. Darling, was that really you?

If it was really you, and you're reading this, to answer your question we are at San Jose State University, and the class is called Electronic Media and Culture. I'm Canadian, and if you saw Mike Myers on The Daily Show last week promoting his new movie, The Love Guru, then you know about our subversive movement down here in the States. I'm proud to be doing my part.


Anonymous said...

Yes, It's Mary Darling. Someone put Google Alert (Little Mosque) on my computer so many mentions of the series pop up. I was up early with my 2 year old this morning and spotted the mention. It's just so wonderful to see the series being used in such an appropriate way. I'd be happy to talk with your students anytime if you like. They can also check out our website: http://www.westwindpictures.com or http://www.littlemosque.ca. We are updating the Little Mosque website October 1st with the launch of this season (new 20 episodes). Very best to you and your whole class.



This is really amazing.