June 18, 2008

For John McCain, it's not Easy Being Green

(With apologies to Kermit the Frog.)

I just read an interesting article in AdAge called "McCain Me-Tooism on Global Warming Is Not Convincing." It's a critique of McCain's latest advertisement. The author, Ken Wheaton, writes:
John McCain has a new ad out emphasizing the environment. I won't dwell on the fact that Team McCain once again is using B-roll and music that should give even the most conservative art director a heart attack... But I will dwell on the content of the ad, such as it is. John McCain, the viewer is informed, "sounded the alarm on global warming five years ago." It's one thing to claim McCain broke with George W. Bush -- which he did -- it's another to claim that McCain was sounding an alarm about global warming in 2003. If I remember correctly, the alarms had long been sounded by then. So bragging about sounding the alarm sort of puts me in mind of Al Gore inventing the internet.


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